Do you like logic and problem-solving? Do you have a knack for computers and technology? If so, then computer programming may be the career for you!

There is no doubt about computer programming being one of the most exciting fields in technology. However, the road down the path of this career is not as rosy as many imagine it to be. 

There are pros and cons to every job, but here are 10 of the most eye-opening ones that come to mind when it comes to being a programmer.

This piece is suitable for you even if you are yet to start your journey in the world of computer programming. Let’s explore. 

Pros of Being a Computer Programmer 

Being a computer programmer comes with more benefits than many people know. Below are some of the most prominent advantages of being a computer programmer. 

1. Computer Programmers Earn Decent Income 

One of the benefits you get in computer programming is making a decent income.

While others struggle to pay their bills, programmers make a lot of money from their own business. With the income that comes with being a software developer, you will afford almost anything. 

Many programmers even earn enough to afford luxuries. The amount of money you make as a web programmer varies depending on several factors. It is best to keep improving your programming skills and be diligent with the career path to keep earning more. 

2. You Can Work From Anywhere 

Another notable benefit of being a computer programmer is the fact that you can work from anywhere. Most computer programmers do not have to show up at work every day because they work remotely.

You can work from home, indoors, or any other workspace said from a regular office. 

In fact, you have the luxury of switching where you work, depending on your convenience. Using your preferred work environment tend to improve your productivity.

So, you can keep up with your work demand in a cozy atmosphere with a level of flexibility. 

3. Computer Programmers Have a Huge Career Prospect 

The benefit of being a computer programmer or writing computer code does not end now. They have a massive prospect for the future as well.

The world is moving digital with the constant help of computer programmers, software engineers, system analysts, and other related technology. 

Therefore, the job security of computer programmers is pretty high. It is one of the few positive job growth prospects with no fear of going extinct in the coming years.

You can learn more programming languages and upgrade your skills to stay relevant in this world of computer program. You can even develop different applications, own software products, and contribute to the innovation of evolving computer upgrade.

4. Computer Programmers are Relevant All Over The World 

As a computer programmer with the right skills and programming language, you can work anywhere in the world. In fact, the knowledge of many programming languages can be your most significant advantage.

It helps you to fit into any modern society that wishes to explore technology. 

Many companies all over the world cannot run smoothly without software engineers. Any company that intends to stay relevant in the modern world requires programmers work. 

5. You Can Work As a Self-Employed Computer Programmer 

Although many companies and organizations are ready to pay for your services as a web programmer, you can decide to be self-employed. You can work as a freelancer for multiple clients while maintaining stance your boss.

Alternatively, you can create your own software product, become an application programmer, and integrate either side hustle. 

6. You Don’t Need A College Degree To Secure A Job 

Many people think their future is limited due to a lack of a college degree. Here, there is no career limit, even in the absence of a college degree. All you need is the right skills to help you throughout the programming field.

Many programming jobs will not even ask you for a college degree before hiring you. They will only test your knowledge of various programming languages and other entry requirements. 

7. Computer Programmers Have Flexible Working Hours 

Programmers don’t have fixed time settings, and they don’t have to work for long hours. The extra hours most computer programmers get to work are a result of clearing program errors.

Most programmers only work for about 40 hours a week and still earn more than a decent income. They can handle multiple jobs without using many hours, especially if it is an easy task. 

8. Helps You To Avoid Physical Hard works 

Being a computer programmer helps you to avoid a lot of hard physical work. There are no complex physical demands aside from a few cases where programmers have to work long hours.

Most requirement for being a computer programmer or software engineer is more mental than physical. 

Many programmers sit on their chairs all day trying to write code and improve the software. So, the possibility of suffering physical injuries and other related health problems. 

9. Fast and Easy Career Growth 

Motivated individuals in the programming field find it easy to accelerate their career growth. Unlike some jobs that require you to work for a certain number of years before reaching a high level, programming allows you to decide your career growth. 

Some hard-working programmers with high growth rates make significant advancements in their careers in just six months. Also, several new technologies, free courses, and career coach reports can help computer programmers enhance their career growth. 

10. Programmers Can Learn New Skills and Start Side Hustles 

Another exciting benefit of computer programming is flexibility. This flexibility allows programmers to learn new skills and engage in side hustles without affecting their primary career.

They find it easy to engage in activities like starting a blog, creating a YouTube Channel, keep up with new technologies. In fact, it helps programmers to earn higher salaries, stay relevant in their jobs, and work with multiple companies. 

Cons Of Being A Computer Programmer 

There is no doubt about computer programming being one of the best jobs in modern society. However, all that glitters are not gold. Computer programming, especially at a high level, is not all good with no shortcomings.

Below are some of the significant downsides of being a computer programmer. 

1. Being A Computer Programmer Can be Lonely 

Most times, programmers work alone and remotely, which can become tedious at some points. They spend most of their time in front of the computer screen to write computer code.

Wanting to get job satisfaction and dealing with many jobs as a programmer can limit human interactions. Consequently, it can cause you to be lonely in the long run. 

2. Vulnerability to Certain Health Problems 

Several programmers spend most of their time sitting for long hours in front of a laptop computer. Often, they also work from home or other cozy environments.

This combination, together with several hours staring at a computer screen, can make them vulnerable to conditions like excessive weight gain, bone, and joint problems, eye problems, etc. 

3. Working as a Computer Programming Can be Mentally Demanding 

Computer programming is more mental than physical. But it can become burdensome when executing specific tasks, or you have to clear loads of errors.

Modern society relies on the expertise of programmers and software engineers in various regards. This demand places enormous responsibilities on the few people in the programming field. 

4. Pressure of Keeping Up With New Technologies and Development 

Everything that has to do with computers and programs is not stopping at a point. Most companies demand a programmer that can keep up with these developments.

Learning new programming languages and keeping up with the existing ones can be burdensome, especially for new programmers. 

5. You Must Be Passionate About What You Do 

Being a programmer cannot be a side hustle, especially if you want to make the most of your career. Without passion, there is a high chance that you will lose interest in your job at some point.

Dealing with computers for many hours every day can be tedious and burdensome for those not passionate. 

Aside from the above, other cons of being a programmer include; 

  • The job might not be an appropriate option for extroverts. 
  • You will need a lot of hard work to become rich as a programmer .
  • Most companies outsource freelance coding programs to low-wage countries.
  • Computer programming is fast-paced; hence, it demands every programmer learn new things efficiently within a short period. 
  • The programming field can be highly competitive.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the disadvantages of being a computer programmer?

The major disadvantages of being a computer programmer include; 

  • Being A Computer Programmer Can be Lonely
  • Vulnerability to Certain Health Problems 
  • Working as a Computer Programming Can be Mentally Demanding 
  • The pressure of Keeping Up With New Technologies and Development 
  • You Must Be Passionate About What You Do

What are the advantages of being a computer programmer?

The main advantages of being a computer programmer include; 

  • Computer Programmers Earn Decent Income
  • You Can Work From Anywhere
  • Computer Programmers Have a Huge Career Prospect
  • Computer Programmers are Relevant All Over The World 
  • You Can Work As a Self-Employed Computer Programmer
  • You Don’t Need A College Degree To Secure A Job
  • Computer Programmers Have Flexible Working Hours
  • Helps You To Avoid Physical Hard works
  • Fast and Easy Career Growth 
  • Programmers Can Learn New Skills and Start Side Hustles
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Software Engineer

Morshed Alam

I'm the creator of Savvy Programmer, a blog for programmers to level up their skills and advance their career. Through this blog, I'll be your guide in your programming journey no matter how far into it you are!

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