Are you attempting to forge a successful career in the field of software engineering? If so, you will know that it is a highly competitive industry. But the good news is that software engineering continues to be a career that is in high demand.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for software engineering careers is extremely positive. The Bureau predicts that there will be a 25% growth in software engineers between 2021 and 2031. This is a far healthier rate of growth than for many other occupations.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

While the above figure provides reassurance that the future is bright for software engineers, you may still have concerns about your career choice. Many people entering a competitive industry experience feelings of imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is the feeling that you are incompetent at your job and constantly feeling anxious you will be exposed as a fraud. This unpleasant feeling can create high levels of self-doubt, even though others perceive you as perfectly qualified and capable.

Knowing how to deal with imposter syndrome in software development is not always easy, but it is possible with the right strategies.

Strategies to Conquer Imposter Syndrome in Software Engineering

Did you know that imposter syndrome is incredibly common? The Harvard Business Review reports that one-third of young people have it, and 70% of people experience it at some point in their lives.

Here are some strategies to help you conquer imposter syndrome and focus on your software engineering career:

Recognize Your Achievements

Recognizing your achievements is essential when trying to conquer imposter syndrome.

Reflecting back on your achievements so far and how far you have come in your journey as a software engineer is really helpful. When you are overcome with self-doubt, it is easy to forget your past achievements and how much progress you have made. 

Reminding yourself of these achievements and appreciating how hard you worked to make them happen is vital. You may choose to display your qualifications and any awards you have received proudly. These will provide a constant reminder that you are deserving of your current role.


Seek Out a Mentor and Support

When you are starting out your career as a software engineer, it is easy to feel intimidated by the successful people you see all around you. However, you can reframe this as a learning opportunity with help from a mentor.

Seeking out support from senior software developers on your team can be a great help. Learning from their knowledge and successes can provide you with the support you need to boost your confidence and excel in your role.

Keep Learning

Taking a proactive approach to conquer imposter syndrome is vital. Committing to keep learning is an excellent way to lay imposter syndrome aside once and for all. 

Building your skills by finding a learning approach that works well for you can significantly increase your confidence in your abilities. With a commitment to being the best you can be in your field, you are sure to achieve career success.

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Technical Writer


Mehbub loves trying out new gadgets and apps, and attending bootcamps and training programs to learn more. Mehbub enjoys explaining how to use new technologies in fun and innovative ways.

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